Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Purpose

I've decided to start this blog for a couple of reasons.  First, I feel like I'm learning quite a bit at a fairly rapid pace as a result of serving as a Gospel Doctrine teacher and frequently it helps me assimilate information if I write about things.

Second, if things go well and I am able to remain diligent in posting, this might be another avenue to supply info and additional insight to the class, including references, etc. that I can't usually include in class.

Third, I am hoping that people will comment and engage and help find insights and truths that I am likely to have missed.

Fourth, I need to write as much and as often as I can and it's easier for me to get started if there's something I'm passionate about.  My faith is certainly one of those things. 

Finally, it is a further opportunity for me to study, ponder, pray and share/testify of what I learn and hopefully help others in some small way in answering questions, finding direction or a needed insight to get through the various obstacles life in mortality throws our way.  I hope that visitors will enjoy this and will feel free to comment or even ask questions to help me find things to write about.


  1. I love it! Cant wait for the next post! I need all the help I can get. ;)

  2. I'm working on the first post... should be up today sometime! Thanks for the comments, guys!

  3. By the way, I'm publishing this one to the Kindle as well, if anyone is a subscriber to/user of that handy device!

  4. thisis excellent, I too am teaching the Old Testament in Gospel Doctrine. I plan to provide this link to my class as well--- if that is acceptable to the owner.

  5. I live in Arizona, the hot bed of illegal immigraition issues right now. as I prepared for this upcoming lesson, the camp of Israel crosses the River Jordan on Sunday. I connected that idea of the host of illegal immigrants crossing into a place they were not welcome. I am also reading personally in the Book of Mormon- and just read first chapter of 2 Nephi on the day I started this lesson prep. You will recall that this is the chapter that points out who is here in the "Promised Land"- all led here by the hand of the Lord and all are advised that to prosper we need have the Savior as our Redeemer. I am also reminded that we came here as the gentiles referenced in this chapter as well. I do not see all the implications of this, but I did feel a need to feel less hate and anger at illegal immigrants. I thought of my service as a missionary in Mexico 40 years ago and the kind and loving reception I met from those humble people. I compared that reception to the one offered by the harlot to the spies Joshua sent. In my mind at least it ties me and my story to them and theirs and the same Savior and Gospel.

  6. Interesting take on things, Bob... one I hadn't considered. I'll have to mull that one. As for sharing the link, by all means! The more interaction, the better!
