Saturday, January 22, 2011

Since My Banishment...

It's been some time since I was banished from Gospel Doctrine class to the Primary.  Yet, my learning and experience has continued unabated--perhaps it's even accelerated a tad. 

I won't detail it all here, because it certainly won't be applicable to every reader.  But I want to pass on some things that were shared with me by some excellent people in the hopes it may be of some use to whatever readers I have, here.

The first is a talk by C. Terry Warner, a profound man and the founder, I believe of the Arbinger Institute.

Here's the Link:  Honest, Simple, Solid, True

The other is a talk by Bruce C. Hafen.  Here's the link to that one:  Love it Not Blind:  Some Thoughts for College Students on Faith and Ambiguity

I hope to get back into the swing of things soon and hope that these are of use to you in the meantime!